Profiles Of Microorganisms And Diseases Associated With Bioaerosols And Ways Of Identifying Them.

Profiles Of Microorganisms And Diseases Associated With Bioaerosols And Ways Of Identifying Them.


  • R.R. NRIOR


Profile, bioaerosol, diseases, bacteria, fungi, identification


A review of published works related to the profiles of microorganisms in bioarosols was done. It also gives a description of some specific diseases caused by these organisms. Identification methods used for these organisms was also considered. Some key groups of associated microorganisms are bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. Examples of bacterial organisms and diseases caused by them (in parenthesis) are Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis), Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumonia); Haemophilus influenzae (meningitis); and Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough). Some fungi related diseases are Microsporum racemosus (Dermatosis - superficial mycosis); Aspergillus fumigatus (Aspergillosis); and Cryptococcus neoformans (Cryptococcosis). Some Viruses associated with bioaerosols and their related diseases are Corona virus (Corona virus infection (COVID-19); Orthomyxoviruses (Influenza); Paramyxovirus (Influenza, measles, mumps, and pneumoniae in neonates); Rhinoviruses and Corona virus (Cold, Rhinitis) and Pox virus (Cowpox). Pneumocystis carrinii, a protozoa is also associated with bioaerosols. Methods of identification of microorgnisms in bioaerosols are both conventional/classical, and advanced. Some methods are manually operated using miniaturized devices while others are automated, and depends on phenotypically expressed traits for their identification. PCR-based methods are now in vogue. The cost implications, using advanced methods is high and poses a challenge to individuals who may be interested to research in related fields. It is therefore recommended that government agencies should make grants available to researchers in need. Most importantly, some microorganisms associated with bioaerosols are pathogenic and poses a serious health challenge, and are epidemic prone. Thus, affordable and rapid means of detection, identification and prevention of diseases implicating these microorganisms is paramount.



How to Cite

G.C., D., & NRIOR, R. (2022). Profiles Of Microorganisms And Diseases Associated With Bioaerosols And Ways Of Identifying Them. Rivers State Univeristy Journal of Biology & Applied Sciences, 1(2). Retrieved from