A Bluetooth Enhanced Smart Home Automation System Using Arduino Board

A Bluetooth Enhanced Smart Home Automation System Using Arduino Board


  • F. N. UGWOKE
  • E.A ETUK


Bluetooth, Arduino Board, Automation, Smart Home


In this paper, a smart home automation system, using an Arduino board with Bluetooth being remotely controlled by any Android Operating System smart phone, was developed. A Bluetooth module is interfaced to the Arduino board at the receiver end while on the transmitter end, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application on the cell phone sends ON/OFF commands to the receiver where loads are connected. By touching the specified location on the GUI, the loads can be turned ON/OFF remotely through this technology. The loads are operated by Arduino board through opto-isolators and thyristors using triacs. The smart home automation system was experimentally proven to work satisfactorily by connecting sample appliances to it and the appliances were successful controlled from a wireless Mobile device. The smart home automation using Arduino UNO makes the system more flexible and provides attractive user interface compared to other home automation systems. The Bluetooth client was successfully tested on a multitude of different mobile phones from different manufacturers, thus proving its portability and wide compatibility.



How to Cite

UGWOKE, F. N., ETUK, E., C, I., & NWABUEZE, S. I. (2023). A Bluetooth Enhanced Smart Home Automation System Using Arduino Board. Rivers State Univeristy Journal of Biology & Applied Sciences, 2(2). Retrieved from http://jbasjournals.com/index.php/rsujbas/article/view/29